Softwood Lumber & Plywood



“America’s largest stocking distributor of pine commons” – from the best Western producers.

#3 Common Stain & Bright

Pine Commons Lumber

1 x 4 PP, SP, ES/LP, Bright and Stain
1 x 6 PP, SP, ES/LP, Bright and Stain
1 x 8 PP, SP, ES/LP, Bright and Stain
1 x 10 PP, SP, ES/LP, Bright and Stain
1 x 12 PP, SP, ES/LP, Bright and Stain
2×10 Ponderosa Pine and Sugar Pine
2×12 Ponderosa Pine and Sugar Pine

Pine Commons Lumber
  1. Small area of heavy brown stain which also contains white speck.
  2. Numerous red knots. One hole through the edge.
  3. Two black knots, one of which is fixed. One red knot. Streaks of heavy pitch.
  4. A spiked knot with chipped center through the edge. Patches of medium to heavy pitch.
  5. Very high line piece. Would be 1 Common except for streaks of heavy pitch.

#3 Common Stain & Bright