Softwood Lumber & Plywood
“America’s largest stocking distributor of pine commons” – from the best Western producers.
#2 & Better Common Brite and Stain

- Available Dimensions & Species
1 x 3 Premium Studio Grade SPF
1 x 4 PP, SP, ES/LP, Bright and Stain
1 x 6 PP, SP, ES/LP, Bright and Stain
1 x 8 PP, SP, ES/LP, Bright and Stain
1 x 10 PP, SP, ES/LP, Bright and Stain
1 x 12 PP, SP, ES/LP, Bright and Stain
5/4 x 6 PP and SP (1-5/16″)
5/4 x 8 Sugar Pine (1-5/16″)
5/4 x 10 Sugar Pine (1-5/16″)
5/4 x 12 Sugar Pine (1-5/16″)
2 x 6 PP
2 x 8 PP
2 x 10 PP
2 x 12 PP
8/4 x 12 SP Full-Sawn Rough

- Grading Notes
- Three medium red knots. One 7/8″ black knot, intergrown on reverse side.
- Five red intergrown knots with checked centers.
- Numerous red knots. Also, a few spots of heart pits. One knot with a portion chipped out angling into edge.
- Appears high-line, but has maximum torn grain around one knot, light torn grain around other knots. One small pitch streak.
- Pin to medium knots, some with checked centers.
#2 & Better Common Brite and Stain Samples